Area |
Sonoma Creek |
Topic |
Sediment: Bed Surface Particle Sizes for Sonoma Creek and Tribs 1998 |
Caption: The Chart displays d50 (median - indicated by center hash mark) bed surface particle sizes from Wolman pebble counts measured in Sonoma Creek and tributaries in 1998. The d16 is indicated by the lower extent of blue bar, and d84 is shown in upper extent. Surface particle sizes often show a fining moving downstream; however, these samples show no clear trend. Data were collected by Mitchell Katzel and Oona McKnight for the Sonoma Ecology Center. Click Info Links for more information.
A sites = Sonoma Creek in Adobe Canyon
B sites = Bear Creek
C sites = Sonoma Creek in Kenwood
D sites = Graham Creek
E sites = Sonoma Creek at Jack London Village
F sites = Calabazas Creek
G sites = Carriger Creek
H sites = Sonoma Creek in Sonoma
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