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KRIS Humboldt Bay: Chart Table Page

Area Jacoby Creek
Topic Sediment: Suspended Sed. vs. Turbidity at Upr Jacoby Cr (UJC) 2002

Caption:  The chart table "sed_turbsed_rsl_ujc_2002_exclude_na.db" contains suspended sediment concentrations and associated data for the turbidity threshold sampling station in upper Jacoby Creek (station UJC) for hydrologic year 2002. The complete dataset for hydrologic years 2001-2005 is contained in the source table "sed_turbsed_rsl_ujc_2001_2005.db". Missing values are coded as -9999, and rows with missing values for SSC and Turbidity_Corrected are excluded from this table but are still present in the source table. Redwood Science Lab (RSL) collected and processed the data. See Info Links for more information. A key to column headings: Water_Year = 4-digit hydrologic year; Date_Time = Date and time of reading; Year = 4-digit calendar year; Month = 2-digit month; Day = 2-digit day of month; Time = 4-digit military time; Dump = Batch number; Bottle = Suspended sediment bottle number; Threshold_Sample_Codes = Threshold and sampling codes [Threshold Codes are R = rising, F=falling, B=baseflow (below minimum stage) and Sampling Codes are X=none, T=threshold, A=auxiliary, D=aux w/DIS, S=startup, E=equal time-interval sample above turbidity sensor limit]; Stage_Raw = Raw (water height) stage (in meters); Stage_Corrected = Corrected (water height) stage (in meters); Stage_Code = Stage_Code = Stage codes [-1 = Unedited and unapproved, 0 = Raw data accepted as good, 1 = Raw data accepted but questionable, 2 Bad data replaced with NA (and subsequently -9999), 3 = Constant shift was applied, 4 = Variable (linear) shift was applied, 5 = Interpolated (linearly), 6 = Reconstructed from another site, 7 = Free-hand reconstruction]; Discharge = Stream flow (cubic meters per second); Turbidity_Raw = Uncorrected turbidity (NTU); Turbidity_Corrected = Corrected turbidity (NTU); Turbidity_Code = [-1 = Unedited and unapproved, 0 = Raw data accepted as good, 1 = Raw data accepted but questionable, 2 Bad data replaced with NA (and subsequently -9999), 3 = Constant shift was applied, 4 = Variable (linear) shift was applied, 5 = Interpolated (linearly), 6 = Reconstructed from another site, 7 = Free-hand reconstruction]; SSC = Suspended sediment concentration (mg/L); Lab Code = A data quality code (refer to QAP/SOP for key).

 50 rows of a possible 67 have been displayed.
200211/16/2001 1:09:59 AM20011116011041----0.1227-21017.39-
200211/16/2001 12:30:00 PM20011116123042----0.5374-30018.12-
200211/20/2001 8:00:00 PM20011120200043----0.1308-27017.39-
200211/21/2001 4:19:59 AM20011121042044----0.2015-3006.929-
200211/22/2001 1:50:00 AM20011122015045----0.5139-2906.172-
200211/23/2001 11:00:00 PM20011123230046----0.1838-3008.589-
200211/24/2001 10:19:59 AM20011124102047----1.103-84092.05-
200211/24/2001 3:10:00 PM20011124151048----0.5665-1040156.3-
200211/24/2001 5:39:59 PM20011124174049----0.3426-60061.51-
200211/25/2001 7:40:00 PM200111251940410----0.3779-3055.512-
200211/28/2001 3:59:59 PM20011128160051----0.2279-2003.423-
200211/29/2001 2:10:00 AM20011129021052----0.9633-29010.73-
200211/29/2001 12:00:00 PM20011129120053----0.9781-60065.52-
200211/29/2001 7:09:59 PM20011129191054----0.8917-30014.02-
200212/1/2001 6:00:00 AM2001121060055----1.144-24011.48-
200212/1/2001 8:29:59 AM2001121083056----1.486-830117.3-
200212/1/2001 9:40:00 AM2001121094057----1.569-1230187.2-
200212/1/2001 10:30:00 AM2001121103058----1.851-970139.8-
200212/1/2001 1:09:59 PM20011211310510----1.284-66072.54-
200212/3/2001 4:40:00 AM20011230440514----3.134-1310123-
200212/3/2001 6:10:00 AM20011230610516----4.457-2502163.2-
200212/3/2001 6:30:00 AM20011230630517----4.55-1942189.7-
200212/3/2001 7:19:59 AM20011230720518----4.814-1080129.3-
200212/3/2001 7:40:00 AM20011230740519----4.693-870143.9-
200212/3/2001 9:30:00 AM20011230930520----3.845-60081.41-
200212/5/2001 4:09:59 AM20011250410522----5.088-770194.6-
200212/5/2001 4:40:00 AM20011250440523----8.449-2000325.1-
200212/6/2001 12:40:00 PM2001126124063----8.011-1970415.5-
200212/6/2001 3:40:00 PM2001126154064----6.487-1540278.7-
200212/6/2001 10:09:59 PM2001126221065----4.863-1040167-
200212/7/2001 6:00:00 AM2001127060066----3.563-61074.98-
200212/7/2001 10:30:00 AM2001127103067----3.224-54052.11-
200212/13/2001 7:09:59 PM20011213191074----1.407-890163.3-
200212/13/2001 8:19:59 PM20011213202075----3.099-1960380.1-
200212/14/2001 1:40:00 PM20011214134081-----9999-1310234.3-
200212/14/2001 4:30:00 PM20011214163082-----9999-1040171.7-
200212/15/2001 10:19:59 PM20011215222084-----9999-30024.27-
200212/17/2001 1:40:00 AM20011217014085-----9999-900168-
200212/17/2001 6:20:00 AM20011217062086-----9999-60075.25-
200212/19/2001 2:39:59 AM20011219024088-----9999-2709.789-
200212/22/2001 1:40:00 PM20011222134091----1.9-59077.86-
200212/23/2001 6:10:00 PM20011223181092----1.426-30021.46-
200212/30/2001 5:39:59 PM20011230174093----0.412-2308.387-
200212/31/2001 8:39:59 AM20011231084094----0.6778-3004.628-
20021/2/2002 9:40:00 AM2002120940101----1.476-61066.62-
20021/2/2002 11:49:59 PM2002122350102----1.047-30014.69-
20021/5/2002 5:29:59 PM2002151730104----0.5765-2405.021-
20021/5/2002 11:10:00 PM2002152310105----1.987-810104.3-

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To view additional information (data source, aquisition date etc.) about this page, click Metadata .
To download the table with the chart's data, click sed_turbsed_rsl_ujc_2002_exclude_na.db (size 51,200 bytes)
To download the table with the chart's data as an Excel spreadsheet, click sed_turbsed_rsl_ujc_2002_exclude_na.db.xls (size 18,229 bytes) .
To view the table with the chart's source data, click Source Table web page.
To download the table with the chart's source data, click sed_turbsed_rsl_ujc_2001_2005.db (size 346,112 bytes)
To download the table with the chart's source data as an Excel spreadsheet, click sed_turbsed_rsl_ujc_2001_2005.db.xls (size 150,330 bytes)