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KRIS Klamath : Picture Page
Area | Middle Klamath |
Topic | Tour: Bogus Elementary School |
Bogus Elementary School is a one-room schoolhouse located on Bogus Creek. The school is part of the Siskiyou County Schools 319H grant, which has funded the involvement of students in water temperature monitoring activities. Janness Harris is the K-6 teacher. The school has approximately 25 students. Photo by Trudy Rilling, provided courtesy of Siskiyou County Schools. Use Pan function or click Fit to see whole image. Press F1 for help in use of Picture tools.
The photo above shows another view of the Bogus Elementary School, the K-6 classroom. Photo by Trudy Rilling, provided courtesy of Siskiyou County Schools.
Jason Lemke, a Bogus Elementary School student launches a StowAway temperature monitoring probe to be placed at the Luckey Power Plant. The students learned that ground water at the plant remains at a very low and stable temperature. Laptop computer and probes were funded through State Water Resources Control Board grants administered by the Yreka Klamath Field Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Photo by Trudy Rilling, provided courtesy of Siskiyou County Schools.
Jason and Diane Lemke in front of the Luckey Power Plant on Cold Creek. Glacial melt water from Mt. Shasta run through underground lava tubes appearing as springs 200 feet upslope of the Luckey Power Plant. The spring water is collected and piped to the turbine in the power plant. The spring water at the Luckey Power Plant remains around 8 degrees C all year. Photo by Trudy Rilling, provided courtesy of Siskiyou County Schools.
Student planting probe in Bogus Creek below the confluence of Cold Creek during spring to capture early season water temperatures. Picture taken looking downstream. Photo by Trudy Rilling, provided courtesy of Siskiyou County Schools.
Pacific tree frog found at the Luckey Power Plant. Photo by Trudy Rilling, provided courtesy of Siskiyou County Schools.
Bridge construction on Bogus Creek. The old bridge can be seen in the background. A substantial amount of vegetation was removed on creek right downstream from the bridge construction site, including a large tree used to anchor the StowAway temperature monitoring probe. Photo by Trudy Rilling, provided courtesy of Siskiyou County Schools.
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