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KRIS Klamath : Picture Page
Area | Middle Klamath |
Topic | Tour: USFS Restoration Structures Beaver Cr (Upper) 1997 |
Log weir spanning upper Beaver Creek above its convergence with Hungry Creek in August 1997, looking upstream. Upper Beaver Creek above and below Hungry Creek appeared to have received less flood damage than lower Beaver Creek. Photo by Pat Higgins taken as part of the Mid-Program Evaluation of the Klamath Basin Fisheries Restoration Program (Kier Assoc., 1999). Click on Info Links for more information.
This photograph shows Jason Johnson and wood structures that survived the January 1997 storm. The logs appear to be placed for cover and as deflectors or digger logs. The location is upper Beaver Creek above its convergence with Hungry Creek in August 1997 looking downstream. Upper Beaver Creek above and below Hungry Creek appears to have received less flood damage than lower Beaver Creek. Photo by Pat Higgins taken as part of the Mid-Program Evaluation of the Klamath Basin Fisheries Restoration Program (Kier Assoc., 1999). Click on Info Links for more information
Close up of digger logs placed in upper Beaver Creek to provide cover and scour pockets to improve habitat diversity for anadromous salmonids. These remained intact through the January 1997 storm.
This photo shows upper Beaver Creek above Hungry Creek looking upstream off a bridge in August 1997. A log weir remains in place with a small scour pocket toward the thalweg of the stream. The survival of this structure and particle size distribution suggest that significant aggradation did not occur at this site. Photo by Pat Higgins taken as part of the Mid-Program Evaluation of the Klamath Basin Fisheries Restoration Program (Kier Assoc., 1999). Click on Info Links for more information
Log structures in the margin of upper Beaver Creek at its convergence with Hungry Creek in August 1997.This log came loose from the location where it was installed. Several other logs with cables comprise the debris jam at the mouth of Hungry Creek. Photo by Pat Higgins taken as part of the Mid-Program Evaluation of the Klamath Basin Fisheries Restoration Program (Kier Assoc., 1999). Click on Info Links for more information
Looking downstream at a large logjam at the mouth of Hungry Creek which is joining upper Beaver Creek at right in August 1997. The large wood jam had several logs with cables embedded in it. Photo by Pat Higgins taken as part of the Mid-Program Evaluation of the Klamath Basin Fisheries Restoration Program (Kier Assoc., 1999). Click on Info Links for more information
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