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KRIS Klamath : Picture Page
Area | Middle Klamath |
Topic | Tour: USFS Restoration Structures Elk Cr Pre-1997 Flood |
This photo shows a boulder weir spanning Elk Creek during fall low flows in October 1992. This structure was designed to trap spawning gravel and create a plunge pool for rearing downstream. Photo provided by Al Olson, Klamath National Forest.
This photo shows a portion of the boulder weir on Elk Creek shown in the prior photo during fall low flows in October 1992. Photo provided by Al Olson, Klamath National Forest.
This photo shows large wood structures in Elk Creek. Olson and West (1990) found high densities of salmonid juveniles in association with this type structure (see Info Links). Photo provided by Al Olson, Klamath National Forest. October 1992.
Klamath National Forest fish biologist Brenda Olson stands on top of a large wood structure placed in Elk Creek. This structure was placed in the margin of the stream to provide over-wintering habitat for salmonid juveniles. Survival of steelhead to adulthood is greatly increased if juveniles remain in tributaries like Elk Creek for one to two years. Photo provided by Al Olson, Klamath National Forest. October 1992.
Elk Creek CWM STR Pre 97 Flood
An Elk Creek boulder weir, placed by Klamath National Forest, during moderately high flows. These structures were designed to trap spawning gravels on the upstream side and create a scour pool below. Boulder structures that spanned the stream had a higher failure rate than boulder clusters on the margins according to a USFS post-1997 storm report. Photo courtesy of Al Olson, Klamath National Forest.
This large wood structure was installed by Klamath National Forest in Elk Creek in the early 1990s and appears in this photo to have been functioning well. Such structures provide cover for juvenile salmonids. This particular structure appears to have sorted stream gravels, providing suitable substrate for spawning as well. Photo provided by Al Olson, Klamath National Forest.
This large wood structure was installed by Klamath National Forest in Elk Creek in the early 1990s. Such structures provide cover for juvenile salmonids. Wood structures had a higher failure rate than boulder structures in the 1997 storm according to a Klamath National Forest report. Photo provided by Al Olson, Klamath National Forest.
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