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KRIS Klamath : Picture Page
Area | Middle Trinity |
Topic | Tour: Grass Valley Historical Erosion Problems (1960) |
This photo shows a response reach of upper Grass Valley Creek after logging on adjacent slopes in 1960. The caption documents the change in stream habitat from excellent for resident and anadromous fish to poor quality for these species. The Grass Valley Creek watershed has highly erodible soil types and disturbance from roads or logging causes substantial soil loss. Photo taken by Millard Coots, CDFG.
The photo above shows spawning habitat degradation in lower Grass Valley Creek in 1960 as a result of logging and highway construction. Photo taken by Millard Coots, CDFG.
Logging road in Grass Valley Creek watershed crossing decomposed granitic terrain circa 1960. This type of activity was responsible for substantial sediment yield to the creek and the Trinity River. Photo taken by Millard Coots, CDFG.
The photo above documents sediment problems caused by the construction of Highway 299 in 1960 in the Grass Valley Creek watershed. Photo taken by Millard Coots, CDFG.
The photo above shows that roads not only cause surface erosion when constructed through decomposed granitic terrain but also may lead to formation of large gullies. Photo provided by the California Department of Fish and Game.
The re-alignment of Highway 299 in 1960 lead to the channelization of Little Grass Valley Creek in the reach depicted. Cut banks and fill slopes associated with construction and raw stream banks from the channelization likely lead to elevated sediment yield to the stream for at least several years. Photo taken by Millard Coots, CDFG.
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