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KRIS Klamath : Picture Page
Area | Shasta |
Topic | Tour: 1997 High Water #2 (Downstream of Montague-Grenada Road) |
This photograph of the Shasta River at the Lemos property (at left) was taken looking downstream from the Montague/Grenada Road bridge on 1/1/97. Meamber property is at right.
The Dewey Smith Diversion is at the top of the photo and diverts water into a ditch serving a small power plant. The ditch was substantially damaged by the flood waters.
Shasta River at flood on 1/1/97 in the gorge area of the lower river at the Webb property. Photo taken from the Shasta River Road looking downstream.
This photograph depicts the Shasta River at flood on 1/1/97 looking upstream at Salmon Heaven, a restoration site on BLM land.
The Shasta River as seen looking upstream towards I-5 on 1/1/97 from the Anderson Grade Road.
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Click on image to enlarge (54K). |