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Climate: Annual Rainfall in the Navarro Basin, 1945-1999 |
Caption: The chart shows annual rainfall totals recorded at DWR gauging stations within the Navarro River Basin between 1945 to 1999. The Department of Water Resources gauging stations have periodically been moved and records at individual sites may have years missing. The numbers of stations are as follows: Boonville (WSW) = DWR # F80 0973 00, Boonville (HMS) = DWR # F80 0973 00, Navarro (1NW) = DWR # F80 6105 00, Navarro (4NW) = DWR # F80 6105 50, Elk (10E) = DWR # F80 2740 00, and Philo (2NW) = DWR # F80 0973 00. See Info Links for more information.
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