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Sediment: TMDL Man-made Sources by type 2000 |
Caption: The chart shows estimated amounts of human-caused sediment in the Navarro River sub-basins with colored bars representing sediment sources. On the Watershed-wide bar, numbers are estimated tons/sq mi/year and percentage reduction possible according to the TMDL in parentheses. The Navarro TMDL states, "Human-caused sources account for about 40% of the total sediment yield of the Navarro watershed. Road-related sources dominate other anthropogenic sources, reflecting the dominant land uses in the watershed, specifically timber production and ranching, which use a vast network of roads. Vineyards, which occupy only about 2 percent of the watershed, have the potential to cause locally significant deleterious impacts." Watershed is the watershed wide total for sediment and the percent in parentheses is the reduction in non-point source sediment recommended by EPA. Click on Info Links for more background information and link to the Navarro TMDL (EPA, 2000).
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