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Timber Harvest: Percent of Watershed Cut by Calwater 1990-2002 |
Caption: The chart displays the percentage of planning watersheds with permitted Timber Harvest Plans (THPs) for the years 1990-2002 in the Navarro River Basin. Calwater Watersheds with the highest levels of harvest are Horse Creek and Ham Canyon Creek, Ray Gulch, Flynn Creek and portions of Elk and Greenwood Creeks. The reference value refers to Reeves et al. (1993) who found that basins cut over 25% on the Oregon Coast had diminished Pacific salmon species diversity. The total percent of watershed area harvested does discriminate between different harvest practices where selective harvests require more area than clearcuts, but may not have the same impact. The lack of THP data from 1985-1990 is may under-represent current cumulative effects potential because the rate of harvest was very high in that period. See Info Links for more information. Data provided by the California Department of Forestry.
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