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Fish: Snorkel Surveys Marsh Gulch 2001 Spring |
Caption: This chart displays cumulative snorkel count data for all reaches surveyed in Marsh Gulch in spring, 2001. They show a community dominated by coho, with steelhead and sculpin present. Data provided by University of California, Davis. Click on Info Links for more information. See the species name key below:
0+ Steelhead = young of the year steelhead
0++Steelhead = steelhead either large young of the year or small 1+ (only used in 2000 sampling)
1+ Steelhead = steelhead older than one year
Coho = young of the year coho
Roach = California roach
Stickleback = threespine stickleback
All Sculpin = combined totals for coast range and prickly sculpin
Crayfish = crayfish
Sucker = sucker
Y-Leg Frog = yellow legged frog
Tadpole = tadpole (unknown species)
Salamander = Pacific Giant Salamander
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