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Land Cover: USFS Veg Size for Middle Navarro River 1994 |
Caption: This bar chart shows vegetation size classes in the Middle Navarro River Calwater Planning Watershed, derived from a 1994 Landsat image by the U.S. Forest Service. This planning watershed had the most large diameter trees of any other Mainstem Navarro River sub-basin with 48% of vegetation in medium-large (20-30" diameter) and greater trees. Small-medium (12-20") and Small trees (5-12") and saplings (<5 " diameter) made up 51% and 2% of the landscape was Non-forest. The vegetation classification is accurate at a one hectare scale and is suitable for stand classification. Click on Map to see spatial data. Click on Info Links for more information. Sizes are classified according to diameter at breast height (DBH): Very Large = 40-50" DBH, Large = 30-39.9" DBH, Medium/Large = 20-29.9" DBH, Small/Medium = 12-19.9" DBH, Small = 5-11.9" DBH, Saplings = 1-4.9" DBH, Non-Forest = No trees, shrubs, grass, bare soil.
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