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North Fork |
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Habitat: Scour Pool Habitat by Length North Fork Navarro Sub-basin 199 |
Caption: The chart shows the percentage of scour pool habitat by length for streams in the North Fork Navarro River sub-basin according CDFG 1996 habitat typing. Scour pool habitat varied greatly throughout the sub-basin. Streams are arrayed by Strahler stream order (larger order streams at the top), and bigger streams should have more scour pool habitat because hydraulic forces are greater. Several surveyed reaches contained zero percent scour pool habitat (Bottom Creek, Matilla, Spooner, and Big Gulches). Scour formed habitat is associated with channel depth and complexity, and may be a particularly good parameter for assessing coho salmon rearing habitat availability. Lack of large wood may be associated with low scour pool frequency, particularly in forested areas such as the North Fork Navarro River (Entrix et al., 1998). Data from CDFG. See Info Links for more information.
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