Area |
Rancheria Creek |
Topic |
Habitat: Habitat Types by Length Rancheria Creek Sub-basin 1996 |
Caption: The above chart reflects pool habitat availability, or the proportion of surveyed lengths of the Rancheria Sub-basin occurring as pool habitat. Streams are sorted by Strahler order, with largest streams at the top. Pool habitat by percent length (blue bars) ranged from 20% (Ham Canyon Creek) to 34% (Dago Creek). The chart also illustrates the percentage of linear habitat that had gone subsurface (red bars) during the time of survey which varied from June to August. This variability would affect the percent riffle habitat. According to CDFG benchmarks for percent pool habitat, most streams surveyed in the Rancheria Sub-basin provide habitat near the poor threshold (<25%), and none provide what is considered good habitat (>50%). See Info Links for more information.
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