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Rancheria Creek |
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Habitat: Surveyed Stream Reach Lengths Rancheria Creek Sub-basin 1996 |
Caption: The chart shows the total length in feet of California Department of Fish and Game Habitat Typing surveys for the Rancheria Creek Sub-basin reaches in 1996. Rancheria Creek had the longest survey length with over 50,000 feet. Only 5,872 feet of the South Fork Dago Creek was surveyed. Extremely short surveys may convey a less accurate picture of habitat conditions. Stream orders of tributaries using the Strahler method were determined using 1:24000 USGS Topo maps and are color coded above with dark green = 4th order, dark blue = 3th order, light blue = 2rd order, light green = 1st order. The survey lengths of lower order streams are usually smaller because of shorter stream length overall. See Info Links for more information.
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