Caption: This bar chart shows vegetation size classes for Redwood Creek sub-basins. Note the vegetation size difference between the sub-basins: Prairie Creek sub-basin has the greatest extent of large trees, Lower Redwood sub-basin has the greatest diversity of tree class sizes, Middle Redwood sub-basin is skewed towards medium sized trees, and Upper Redwood sub-basin has the greatest extent of small trees. The information was derived from a 1994 Landsat image by the U.S. Forest Service. This analysis technique calculates averages of vegetation stands and is accurate at the tree stand level. Scroll down for a key to classifications. Vegetation is classified according to diameter at breast height (DBH):
Giant = >50" DBH, V Large = 40-50" DBH, Large = 30-39.9" DBH, Medium/Large = 20-29.9" DBH, Small/Medium = 12-19.9" DBH, Small = 5-11.9" DBH, Non-Forest = No trees, shrubs, grass, bare soil.