Area |
Middle Redwood |
Topic |
Habitat: Average Embeddedness in Middle Redwood Creek Sub Basin |
Caption: The average pool tail embeddedness ratings for streams in Middle Redwood Creek sub-basin ranges from 1.33 (least embedded) to 2.71 (most embedded) in 2001. Embeddedness was visually rated at each pool tail to describe the depth to which gravel or cobbles is buried in fine sediment. Rating 1 describes a relatively low level of embeddedness (0-25% buried) and optimum conditions for spawning and incubation of salmonids. Rating 4 describes very high levels of embeddedness (75-100% buried). See topic titled "Habitat: Embeddedness at Pool Tails in Redwood Creek Tribs" for illustration of the variation associated with this parameter. Data provided by California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. Click on Info Links for more information.
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