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Fish: Mainstem Russian River Seine Catch by Reach 1984 |
Caption: This chart displays the number of fish captured from beach seining surveys at stations in the Russian River from Hopland to the estuary from July through September, 1984. Sucker, squawfish and hardhead dominate the upstream reaches, while shad are more prevalent downstream. Surveys in summer and fall may show a more dramatic shift to warm water fish populations. Not all species captured are listed on the chart above but they are in the Chart and Source Tables. Data provided by California Department of Fish and Game. Click on InfoLinks for more information and a link to the CDFG stream survey (Cox, 1984) from the KRIS Russian Bibliography.
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beachseine_dfg_russian1984.xls.db (size 6,144 bytes) .
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beachseine_dfg_russian1984.xls.db (size 6,144 bytes)